

Glad you decided to come and "Phill-up." This blog is designed to introduce and inform you of technology to use with your students. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at
mprusch@cdschools.org .


Class Dojo

Class Dojo is a classroom management tool. This is a free tool that allows you to keep track of various student behaviors, positive and negative. This can be pulled up on your interactive whiteboard at anytime, which allows students to view their progress during the course of the day. Users can also create reports of students to share with parents and administrators. Set up only takes a few minutes, simply set up your account than add your student and begin.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Kalen from ClassDojo here. Thanks so much for the blog post! :)

    If anyone who comes across this has any questions, please reach out and let us know!! - hello@classdojo.com

